Сегодня в России


- Fossil Cricket Reveals Jurassic Love Song
- Watching Motion of Electrons in Molecules During Chemical Reactions
- Smart, Self-Healing Hydrogels Open Far-Reaching Possibilities in Medicine, Engineering
- Tiny Amounts of Alcohol Dramatically Extend a Worm's Life, but Why?
- Molecular Graphene Heralds New Era of 'Designer Electrons'
- Madagascar Dinosaur Bone Is Most Massive Osteoderm Ever Found
- Salty Soil Can Suck Water out of Atmosphere: Could It Happen On Mars?
- Study Debunks Myths About Gender and Math Performance
- Remote Wilderness Polluted by Humans
- Growing Without Cell Division: Mechanism Responsible for Cell Polyploidy Pinpointed?
- Researchers Identify Unexpected Player in Intestinal Immunity
- Clue as to Why Alcohol Is Addicting: Scientists Show That Drinking Releases Brain Endorphins
- Fiery Volcano Offers Geologic Glimpse Into Land That Time Forgot
- Exercise Triggers Stem Cells in Muscle
- Patterns of New DNA Letter in Brain Suggest Distinct Function
- Nano Funnel Used to Generate Extreme Ultraviolet Light Pulses
- Earliest Horses Show Past Global Warming Affected Body Size of Mammals
- Global Sea Level Rise: NASA Mission Takes Stock of Earth's Melting Land Ice
- Astronomers Detect Vast Amounts of Gas and Dust Around Black Hole in Early Universe
- Meteorite Shockwaves Trigger Dust Avalanches On Mars
- Climate Shift Could Leave Some Marine Species Homeless
- Sturdy Scandinavian Conifers Survived Ice Age
- Beast With Four Tails: Milky Way Devouring Neighboring Dwarf Galaxies
- Moon-Walk Mineral Discovered in Western Australia
- Citizen Scientists Reveal a Bubbly Milky Way
- Mystery Human Fossils Put Spotlight On China
- Yosemite's Alpine Chipmunks Take Genetic Hit from Climate Change
- Solar Storms Could Sandblast the Moon
- Biologists Replicate Key Evolutionary Step
- Ultra-Fast Outflows Help Monster Black Holes Shape Their Galaxies
- Chemical Clues On Formation of Planetary Systems: Earth 'Siblings' Can Be Different
- Plant-Eating Dinosaur Discovered in Antarctica
- Astronomers Discover Rare Galaxy at Dawn of Time
- H. Pylori Bacteria Linked to Blood Sugar Control in Adult Type II Diabetes
- Floor of Oldest Fossilized Forest Discovered: 385 Million Years Old
- NASA's Spitzer Detects Comet Storm in Nearby Solar System
- A Battle of the Vampires, 20 Million Years Ago?
- Brain Imaging Differences Evident at 6 Months in High-Risk Infants Who Later Develop Autism
- Mercury's Surprising Core and Landscape Curiosities
- 'Zombie' Worms Found in Mediterranean Fossil
- Early Primate Had Transitional Lemur-Like Grooming Claw
- Unprecedented, Human-Made Trends in Ocean's Acidity
- Microbiologists Can Now Measure Extremely Slow Life, Deep Ocean Study Shows
- Mid-Atlantic Suburbs in U.S. Can Expect an Early Spring Thanks to the Heat of the Big City
- Dawn Sees New Surface Features On Giant Asteroid Vesta
- Building Blocks of Early Earth Survived Collision That Created Moon
- Jawbone Found in England Is from the Earliest Known Modern Human in Northwestern Europe
- Prions Play Powerful Role in the Survival and Evolution of Wild Yeast Strains
- Key to Growth Differences Between Species
- Ice Age Coyotes Were Supersized Compared to Coyotes Today, Fossil Study Reveals
- DNA Traces Cattle Back to a Small Herd Domesticated Around 10,500 Years Ago
- Most Detailed Infrared Image of the Carina Nebula Ever
- First-Of-Its-Kind Stem Cell Study Re-Grows Healthy Heart Muscle in Heart Attack Patients
- Hiding in Plain Sight, a New Frog Species With a 'Weird' Croak Is Identified in New York City
- It Takes Two: Brains Come Wired for Cooperation, Neuroscientists Discover
- West Antarctic Ice Shelves Tearing Apart at the Seams
- Ancient Domesticated Dog Skull Found in Siberian Cave: 33,000 Years Old
- Tangled Up in DNA: New Molecule Has Potential to Help Treat Genetic Diseases and HIV
- NASA Spacecraft Reveals Recent Geological Activity On the Moon
- Hubble Zooms in On Double Nucleus in Andromeda Galaxy
- Looking at the Man in the Moon: Astronomers Explain Why the Man in the Moon Faces Earth
- Volcanoes Deliver Two Flavors of Water
- Single-Atom Transistor Is End of Moore's Law; May Be Beginning of Quantum Computing
- Neanderthals and Their Contemporaries Engineered Stone Tools, Anthropologists Discover
- BP Oil Spill Hurt Marshes, but Recovery Possible, Experts Say
- Study Extends the 'Ecology of Fear' to Fear of Parasites
- Global Experts Question Claims About Jellyfish Populations
- Classic Maya Civilization Collapse Related to Modest Rainfall Reductions, Research Suggests
- Evidence Stacks Up That Monolith at Gardom's Edge Is Astronomically Aligned
- Get Me out of This Slump: Visual Illusions Improve Sports Performance
- Clocking an Accelerating Universe: First Results from BOSS
- Lyme Disease Surge Predicted for Northeastern US: Due to Acorns and Mice, Not Mild Winter
- More Than Half of All Cancer Is Preventable, Experts Say
- Researchers Build Transparent, Super-Stretchy Skin-Like Sensor
- Unusual 'Tulip' Creature Discovered: Lived in the Ocean More Than 500 Million Years Ago
- Was the Little Ice Age Triggered by Massive Volcanic Eruptions?
- Jupiter Helps Halley’s Comet Give Us More Spectacular Meteor Displays
- New Species of Ancient Crocodile Discovered; 'Sheildcroc' Was Ancestor of Today's Species
- Gecko Feet Inspire Amazing Glue That Can Hold 700 Pounds On Smooth Wall
- Autistic Brains Develop More Slowly Than Healthy Brains, Researchers Say
- More Trans Fat Consumption Linked to Greater Aggression, Researchers Find
- Underground Heat: Landsat Satellites Track Yellowstone's Geothermal Activity
- Inner Weapons Against Allergies: Gut Bacteria Control Allergic Diseases, Study Suggests
- Design Rules Will Enable Scientists to Use DNA to Build Nanomaterials With Desired Properties
- Ionized Plasmas as Cheap Sterilizers for Developing World
- Astronomers Solve Mystery of Vanishing Electrons in Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
- Marine Biodiversity Loss Due to Global Warming and Predation, Study Predicts
- Sea Life 'Must Swim Faster to Survive' to Survive Climate Change
- Planet-Sized Object as Cool as Earth Revealed in Record-Breaking Photo
- Self-Centered Kids? Blame Their Immature Brains
- With Extra Gene, Mice Are Footloose and Cancer Free
- Asteroid Lutetia: Primitive Body from Solar System's Planet-Forming Period
- One Step Closer to a New Kilogram
- Engineers Set Their Sights On Asteroid Deflection
- Quick-Cooking Nanomaterials in Microwave to Make Tomorrow's Air Conditioners
- Scientists See 'Sloshing' Galaxy Cluster
- Scientists Tap the Cognitive Genius of Tots to Make Computers Smarter
- NASA, Japan Release Improved Topographic Map of Earth
- Scientists Find Microbes in Lava Tube Living in Conditions Like Those On Mars
- Fossil Moths Show Their True Colors
- Depression: An Evolutionary Byproduct of Immune System?
- Prehistoric Greenhouse Data from Ocean Floor Could Predict Earth's Future, Study Finds
- Archaeologists Find Blade 'Production Lines' Existed as Much as 400,000 Years Ago
- Obese People Regain Weight After Dieting Due to Hormones, Australian Study Finds
- Two New Species of Horned Dinosaur Named
- Explosive Stars With Good Table Manners
- Hazy Shades of Life On Early Earth
- Winning Makes People More Aggressive Toward the Defeated

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0 27 2013-03-30 18:54:20  Руслан
0 17 2013-03-30 18:53:20  Руслан
0 4 2013-03-30 18:52:45  Руслан
0 6 2013-03-30 18:52:02  Руслан
0 32 2013-03-30 18:51:05  Руслан
0 14 2013-03-30 18:50:18  Руслан
0 12 2013-03-30 18:49:36  Руслан
0 7 2013-03-30 18:48:55  Руслан
0 10 2013-03-30 18:48:12  Руслан
0 11 2013-03-30 18:47:28  Руслан

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